Concept to Completion Quality Delivered

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Service & Sustainability Delivered

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OSMIUM is managed by qualified and highlyexperienced team of professionals who are capable of executing detailed designwork and undertaking construction projects of any complexity and magnitude. 

Allthe personnel working for OSMIUM has been exposed to construction environmentand are very familiar with the requirements of Construction Industry. 

They havethe knowledge and experience of working as per the requirements andspecifications of Australian standards and codes/ BCA (Building Code ofAustralia) of practices.

OSMIUM has built up a very strong team oftrades, who have worked on various projects all over the country and havedeveloped into a well-knit and coordinated site construction force.


Farooq Haider        :         ManagingDirector

Details                     :         BSc Civil, MS Computer Sciences

Omer Hanjra          :         ProjectsManager

Details                     :         Bsc Honours Civil, MSc Project Management

Faisal Bin Hissam  :         Building Designer


Our engineers are ready to help you for all your contruction requirements.